About Keaton
Freelance artist and web & graphic designer; front-end designer; independent music composer & game designer

Adobe Flash, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, GML

Web, print (flyers, banners, etc.), visual media
Contact Keaton
By email:
Please use the contact form to contact me. Summarize your inquiry in the subject header (e.g. "Web design job") that way I can immediately identify it.

By phone:
If you would like to contact me by phone, please send me a request via the contact form first and I will be sure to get back to you.
Notable Accomplishments
Established designer for one of the world's most popular fan sites. Requested by popular musical acts to produce art/media for events, releases and more.

Earned a featured credit for compositional work for rock band Linkin Park. Produced a 'lyric video' for popular rock band Linkin Park, featured on the official site and shared by thousands. The video has been viewed over 800,000 times.

Second official "fan game" was played by thousands; featured heavily by popular Internet personality.